Se acercan las ansiadas fechas para algunos y tan temidas para otros, entramos en la época de bodas, bautizos y comuniones. Para aquellos que las realizan se trata de una fecha que esperan con toda la ilusión del mundo.
Una buena celebración no debe dejar escapar ningún detalle, y cada vez buscamos ser mas exclusivos y que nuestros invitados se lleven el mejor sabor de boca del enlace, comunión o bautizo. Por lo que hoy os propongo la mas dulce de los regalos pensados para este tipo de eventos.
Nada menos que la firma de chocolate y dulces Pancracio ha ideado una serie de cajas con el cuidado packaging que caracteriza a la firma, con la que seguramente vamos a dejar a todos los invitados con el mejor sabor de boca posible. Anteriormente os había mostrado la colección especial de Havaianas para estas ocasiones.
Dispones de diferentes tamaños y formatos para que elijas el que mas se ajusta a tus necesidades.
We are approaching time for some are longed-for dates and so feared for others, we enter the time of weddings, baptisms and communions. For those who realize them it is a date that they wait with all the illusion of the world.
A good celebration should not let miss any detail, and each time we seek to be more exclusive and that our guests take the best taste of moment, communion or baptism. So today I propose the sweetest of gifts designed for this type of events.
Nothing less than the signature of chocolate and sweets Pancracio has devised a series of boxes with the careful packaging that characterizes the signature, with which we will surely leave all the guests with the best taste possible. I had previously shown you the Havaianas special collection for these occasions.
You have different sizes and formats to choose the one that best fits your needs.
We are approaching time for some are longed-for dates and so feared for others, we enter the time of weddings, baptisms and communions. For those who realize them it is a date that they wait with all the illusion of the world.
A good celebration should not let miss any detail, and each time we seek to be more exclusive and that our guests take the best taste of moment, communion or baptism. So today I propose the sweetest of gifts designed for this type of events.
Nothing less than the signature of chocolate and sweets Pancracio has devised a series of boxes with the careful packaging that characterizes the signature, with which we will surely leave all the guests with the best taste possible. I had previously shown you the Havaianas special collection for these occasions.
You have different sizes and formats to choose the one that best fits your needs.
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